Freight Car Friday #16 – AC 238544

ACR from Blair 024

AC 238544 seems to have been involved in a recent mishap when photographed by Blair Smith at Steelton yard in 2001. This is one of 60 cars acquired in late 1997 by Wisconsin Central for pulpwood service and assigned to the ACR. It was originally one of a group of 150 cars built by National Steel Car in 1977 for Kimberly Clark and used to transport pulpwood logs to a pulp mill in Terrace Bay, Ontario. Eventually however this fleet was dispersed.

2 thoughts on “Freight Car Friday #16 – AC 238544

  1. This is one of the cars that ran between Manitouadge and Terrace Bay, then. Marty and I chased these cars on a Heron Bay sub local out of Schreiber, ON in mid 80s a couple times. They probably became surplus when the line to Manitouadge closed down. They would have rubbed shoulders with the concentrate gons we run on the Sudbury Division.

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