Walthers Log Truck

I’ve had this old kit kicking around on a shelf somewhere probably for well over 10 years now!

This is a resin kit that was offered by Walthers. I don’t think it’s currently available anymore. I finally decided to actually glue some of the pieces together, and gave the whole frame of the thing a shot of black in the spray booth. It’s not a super-detailed model, but it’s building up into something that will look right at home near one of the sawmills on my future layout. (I’ll just have to give it a load of logs and place it closer to the rear of the scene so you can’t see that some of the wheels are a little cock-eyed on the axles.)


The truck cab piece has obviously not yet been mounted; I’ll need to paint that another colour yet before assembling the model.

We now interrupt your regularly scheduled programming…

Ok, this one really has nothing to do with the Algoma Central, but I just love these oddball cars. This CP 40′ boxcar is a project that I’ve been working on that will ultimately see service down at my model railway club.

The prototype for this car is one of a very small group of 40′ boxcars that were rebuilt to increase the internal capacity for hauling appliances (i.e. kitchen stoves, etc.). I built this model from an Intermountain 40′ boxcar kit, performing a similar chop job, splicing the various bits with sheet styrene to increase the height. The Intermountain kit has separate ends, doors and roof pieces which really lends itself to this conversion job.


I got this car painted red quite some time ago, and it’s been languishing on the shelf for a while behind other projects and life in general. This evening I finally moved it back into the paint shop to spray on the black part of the “multimark” logo. This stretched car also had a stretched multimark to fit the area beside the door, so this was masked and painted on, making this a three-colour paint job. (The white was done first (after a grey primer), then the red, and then finally this evening, the black.)

Now it’s finally ready for decals!