1985 Station and Siding List


Soo Subdivision

Mileage Name Siding Length House Track Office Signal Symbols
0.0 Sault Ste. Marie (Yard) Z
2.0 Steelton (Yard) NS CKZ
9.5 Odena 57 13
14.1 Heyden 27
24.7 Northland 49 19
30.7 Goulais 26
31.5 Searchmont 12 GR P
35.9 Wabos 56 13 Z
41.8 Achigan 48 13
48.1 Ogidaki 48 14
56.2 Mashkode 61 8
64.6 Mekatina 74 15 P
72.9 Summit 50
79.8 Batchewana 77 7
88.7 Regent 75 21
92.0 Montreal Falls P
95.5 Hubert 49 13
102.6 Frater 81 18 FR P
113.8 Canyon 45 27 P
120.1 Eton 46 13 PZ
130.9 Agawa 79 13 P
140.8 Tabor 79 36 P
149.9 Perry 60 28 P
156.5 Limer 59 13
164.6 Hawk Junction (Yard) HJ CKYZ

Northern Subdivision

Mileage Name Siding Length House Track Office Signal Symbols
164.6 Hawk Junction (Yard) HJ CKYZ
173.0 Alden 66 13
177.8 Goudreau 57 10
184.2 Dubreuilville 7 *
188.3 Wanda 65 13
194.9 Franz 65 (Yard) FZ PZ
201.4 Scully 27
207.7 Hilda 70 13
217.3 Mosher 65 20 PZ*
228.3 Dana 72 14
239.1 Langdon 67 13
244.7 Oba 60 (Yard) OB PRYZ*
252.9 Norris
258.0 Kennedy
265.8 Hale 35
273.1 Horsey 36
275.3 Mead 12 PZ*
280.9 Coppell 34
287.1 Jogues
287.8 Stavert 35
294.1 Wyborn 36 26 P
294.7 Hearst Junction Y
295.7 Hearst (Yard) RH KZ

* Yard limits at Mosher and Mead, train register at Oba, and weekend trains 15/16 (Hawk Jct.-Oba turn) eliminated approximately 1985 with the closure of Newaygo’s operations. Yard limits added at Dubreuilville in 1986 with renewal of service and addition of chip spur at Dubreuil Bros. Lumber.

Michipicoten Subdivision

Mileage Name Siding Length House Track Office Signal Symbols
0.0 Hawk Junction (Yard) HJ CKYZ
12.7 Siderite Jct. 46
16.6 Helen 16 Z*
18.7 Wawa 44 (Yard) Z*
22.5 Trembley 32 (Yard) Z
26.0 Michipicoten (Yard) Z

* Wawa yard limits extends through Helen. Doubling spur at Helen.

General Notes:

Junction points with other railways exist at Steelton (CP, SOO), Franz (CP), Oba (CN) and Hearst Junction/Hearst (CN).

Track capacities are based on overall lengths of 67’6″ per car.

Explanation of Symbols:

C – Fuel
K – Standard clock, bulletins and train register
P – Dispatcher phone
R – Train register
Y – Wye
Z – Yard Limits

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