
Mosher (mile 217.3) was established in 1951 as a pulpwood logging camp/company town by the Newaygo Timber Company. The location was named after Henry S. Mosher, then president of Newaygo’s Canadian operations.


Mosher station, abandoned. September 31, 2013.

For many years, Mosher was a major source of pulpwood traffic on the ACR, much of it export pulpwood to Michigan. In the mid 1970s, Newaygo established a lumber and chip mill at Mead, and from about 1974-84 a fair amount of pulpwood from Mosher would have also been shipped to Mead.

In 1985 Newaygo shut down most of their operations on the ACR, and the spurs and facilities at Mosher, Mead and Trembley were abandoned.


Mosher track layout in the 1980s.

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