5 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday #77

  1. Hi Chris
    Great picture – have you ever come across station plans, though? It’s still on my list of to-do buildings. Also, I’m wondering what’s still available at the SSM Public Library.

    • Not for this one no.

      The Sault Public Library has RR drawings for a couple of section house versions, and the original blueprints for Jamestown (Wawa) station, but that’s all I found in their listing.

      Oba was an original Canadian Northern Railway station though, so if plans do in fact exists, they’d be in a different archive…

  2. Also, while I haven’t started the station for Oba yet, I’ve been working on some of the smaller outbuildings including the little cabin whose corner just shows up at the edge of this photo. I have other photos saved in my archive showing both sides of it. Hopefully posting about it soon…

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