Work Car Wednesday #9

ACR From Blair 026

AC 10634/10365 is a twin unit articulated set (each half with its own number), converted from a twin unit coach originally built for the Southern Pacific Railroad for the famous Daylight passenger train. In the early 1970s the Algoma Central acquired at least half a dozen of these sets from SP, with a few being reconditioned and put into active passenger service, and a few others were converted into bunk cars for work service (or some of the former were later retired and converted).

According to my roster notes, 10634-10635 is possibly formerly AC 454-455 (may not have actually operated in service under those numbers, but the passenger series allowed holes for all these sets), ex-SP 2453-2454, ex-T&NO 506-507, and in its latest configuration shown here was a kitchen/diner (10634) and sleeper (10635) set.

ACR From Blair 025

Note the interesting truck design, original to these cars.

Both photos courtesy of Blair Smith, at Steelton Yard (Sault Ste. Marie) ~1997.

6 thoughts on “Work Car Wednesday #9

  1. Most interesting post about some unusual equipment. Disposition as work train articulated cars even more unique. AC is a virtually undiscovered gem among North American railroads or am I just late getting to the party? Wonder what bargain basement price AC mgt paid for these cars.

    • Unfortunately all the unique stuff like this that gave the railway its character is long gone, having been folded into CN since 2002, and before that Wisconsin Central in 1995, although at least under WC some of the AC stuff was still around and WC was still a regional operation.

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