Author Archives: Chris van der Heide
Wordless Wednesday #70
Rollup Baggage Room Doors for Wawa
The baggage/express room in the Wawa station featured 8’x8′ roll-up freight doors on both the track and street sides of the station. I scratchbuilt these from a .020″ styrene sheet back and .010x.030″ strip for the grid pattern on the door sections. The outer door frame is .020x.060″ strip on edge.
Doors and corner posts (angle bits in the middle) airbrushed Sylvan Green. The corner posts are made from a 2×2 spacer to match the door frame and a 1×6 front piece with a corner filed off to a curve.
Front (track side) baggage door and corner posts installed:
Wordless Wednesday #69
Wawa Station Siding
And Wawa station finishes another step forward to completion.
While the lower story was brick, the upper level of the structure was clad in cedar-grain asbestos shingle siding. I reproduced this with strips of grey cardstock. It took a little while, and my technique rather refined as I went along, but I’m generally happy with the result.
A number of ACR structures used this type of shingle siding, so expect to see this sort of finish again on other future projects…