Freight Car Friday #58 – AC 2204


40′ flatcar 2204 on the house track at Oba in November 1976 with track material (a switch frog). This car is from a 50 car group numbered 2201-2250. These cars appear to show up in equipment registers around 1942 according to Ian Cranstone’s roster index page and were likely built by Canadian Car & Foundry.

Photo courtesy Paul O’Shell.

One thought on “Freight Car Friday #58 – AC 2204

  1. Hi Chris
    Ian lists them as being on-roster 4/1942-4/1972. This photo is 1976, so I expect some or all remained captive OCS after 1972, unless there is other evidence to suggest they actually remained in interchange service longer. As you are, I’m modelling the early 1980s, so I’m curious if this series of cars were still interchanged with CP and CN or not. They’re only 38 years old in 1980.

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