Freight Car Friday #25 – AC 2036

ACR from Blair 012

This old wooden boxcar was in pretty rough shape when found in behind the Steelton shops by Blair Smith on August 1, 1996. The paint and the car’s number are all but completely obliterated, but the number is probably AC 10036 or possibly AC 2036. The 10xxx series number range was used by the ACR for non-revenue and work equipment, although some tool and bunk cars were renumbered with 20xx numbers in the late 1980s. I’m not sure of the reason for the 20xx grouping, but it seemed to include some ancient wood boxcars used as tool and storage cars for the ACR’s auxiliary (wreck crane) train.

This car would have been an original AC 3101-3200 series car acquired new in 1928.

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