ACR Passenger Service Operating Subsidy Extended to March 2015

At a press conference in Sault Ste. Marie this morning, the federal Minister of Transport Lisa Raitt announced a one-year extension of the operating subsidy to CN for the Algoma Central regular passenger service, to the end of March 2015.

While there’s no guarantee that service will be extended beyond that, this at least provides local municipalities, tourism groups, camp operators and other interested parties time to investigate and evaluate options for this service, instead of receiving the sudden news that service will simply end within a few months, as happened when the (original) news of the cancellation at the end of March 2014 broke in early January (later extended to end of April 2014).

This is a promising step, but expect that the federal government will still want to try to offload this subsidy at the end of the extension period, so we’ll probably still see a lot of lobbying from local groups over the next year trying to save this train. So far the local political pressure seems to have been successful in procuring the extension, so we’ll continue to follow this with interest.

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